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Relearning to See: Improve Your Eyesight Naturally!
Ebook Free Relearning to See: Improve Your Eyesight Naturally!
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"Relearning to See is a very impressive text!...outstrips all its predecessors...Most complete text that we've ever seen on natural vision improvement. For anyone seeking to improve their eyesight without drugs, surgery or prescription lenses...For anyone seriously interested in vision improvement or the Bates method, Relearning to See is a 'must have'..."—Rosemary Jones"Relearning to See...has got to be one of the best and most comprehensive books on natural vision improvement and the Bates method ever written...many glorious illustrations...two books for the price of one!...a very well-written book professionally presented. If you only want to buy one book on natural vision improvement, make sure this is the one."—Chen Hanwen
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About the Author
Thomas R. Quackenbush is a West Coast vision educator who, in Relearning to See, gave readers the most thorough and technical description of the Bates Method of natural vision improvement currently in existence. He showed how relearning correct vision habits and skills ("sketch, breathe, and blink") could loosen the rigidity of head, eye, and neck muscles that results in blur.
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Product details
Paperback: 552 pages
Publisher: North Atlantic Books; 1 edition (January 24, 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781556433412
ISBN-13: 978-1556433412
ASIN: 1556433417
Product Dimensions:
7 x 1.3 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.0 out of 5 stars
118 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#136,711 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Last visit to my eye doctor he is trying to push me into stronger lenses, yet I can see 20/20 with my old prescription? He wants me in bifocals, no.. I hate reading through lenses, I wanted contacts and he pushed bifocals ones on me, I said no, I won't wear them. I took them as he refused to fit me for the standard ones and threw them out ... he claims poor eyesight comes with old age and he had just had laser surgery done on himself. I believed that my eyes don't have to get worse and decided to find a book to help me maintain what I have. This book has exceeded my expectations. I can't believe the change in a week, I feel so optimistic about the future of my eyesight, I truly believe I will be prescription free at some point and all I wanted to do was to maintain what I had. My biggest problem has been staring and diffusing and by just avoiding these two things I can feel the eye muscles sigh ... no lie. Anyhow, unless you have an eye disease I think you will improve your vision following this book. If I wear glasses a bit it seems to set me back an hour or so until I can get the muscles relaxed again, I feel too much strain with my present lenses. Anyhow, I want to go back to the eye doctor just to prove that he is .. wrong .. but I won't, I will seek out someone more open minded. Sometimes when I am out and I want that clarity I cheat by making that pinhole with my fingers ... that is cool, that made me realize that everything I need for perfect eyesight .. I have. Also, I never realized how much time I spent in la la land either, staring off. Now that I don't stare or should I say, now that I am doing my best to avoid staring, I am more present in my life and that is good thing. I also have the book The Power of Now (Ekhart Tolle) and good eyesight habits actually help keep you presnt, read both and achieve two things at once. Anyhow, enjoy the book, don't start reading it and then put it down because it is thick textbook like, ... I did that and delayed my own progress. It is really well written, easy read with lots of extra info which I liked ie. about the animals. Also, these are not exercises but good vision habits, I tried some eye exercise program years ago and I felt that it created more eyestrain so I quit. Anyhow, good luck everyone.
(Note to Amazon customer service; thank you for keeping this review live. It is a honest review of the book and The Bates Method. A few times competing authors have tried to get Amazon to remove the review. Amazon management has helped me with this problem. Thank you, I appreciate this.)Read the book to learn how to easily apply shifting and other ways to improve the eyesight. Use Amazon.com's `Look Inside Tool'; search for Shifting, Sketching, Brushing and Centralization taught by this Expert Author, Teacher.I attended the Author Thomas Quackenbush's Natural Vision Improvement class in 1999 in San Francisco, CA after reading, studying his book 'Relearning To See-Improve Your Eyesight Naturally' in 1997. Later I read his 2nd book 'Better Eyesight, The Complete Magazines of William H. Bates' (The Ophthalmologist that discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement) when it was published in 2001. He has taught Natural Eyesight Improvement since 1983, trained thousands of students and hundreds of teachers.My present age is 61. (today Mar, 2018) I have used the Bates Method since 1974, age 17 to keep my eyesight clear. In 1996 at age 40 I developed unclear close, reading vision; small print, objects at about 7 inches and closer were blurry. I tried the usual Bates Method of Natural Eyesight Improvement and it worked. I began searching for books on the subject and in 1997 purchased, studied Mr. Quackenbush's book. The vision then went from 20/20 with occasional fluctuation to 20/30, 40 then to clearer than 20/20 at close and far distances maintaining that clarity to my present age.I had to check out this teacher! I attended his class in the spring of 1999. This resulted in the clearest eyesight I have ever experienced; 20/10 which is better than 20/20; seeing the smallest line on the bottom of the eyechart clear at 20 feet. Sometimes the eyesight is clearer; 30/10 to 40/10; 40 feet away-see the letters on the bottom line of the eye chart clear and smaller letters. (Usually 20/20-30/10 is the best I get due to working on a computer 5-10 hours a day.)I can see fine details, crystal clear eyesight. I remember one day after coming home from Tom's class I easily saw a homeless man in our neighborhood 5 blocks away down Grand Avenue in So. San Francisco. Recognized details of his face, beard, hat, cloths.At night I can look across the street in the dark and see people clear through a window in the far end of a lighted building. Objects outside in low light are clear and I can see the craters on the moon. No glare around lights at night, eyes are comfortable in bright sunlight without sunglasses.This method corrected Presbyopia at age 40. I could read small print before, but now can read tiny fine print clear! See fine print clear 1-3 feet away... and up close to the eyes at 8, 6, 3, 2, 1 inches from the eyes. Also see a natural magnifying effect placing a small object or tiny fine print up close to the eyes, 1/4th inch almost touching the eyelashes and see it clear; like when I was a kid and would look at a clear colored marble close to the eye and see tiny parts inside the glass or like a jeweler does when inspecting a diamond without a magnifying glass. I practice reading the fine print as Dr. Bates describes and shifting point to point, tiny part to tiny part on the details in the small stones Tom gave us in his class or on a flower, leaf, piece of cloth...I continue to use this natural eyesight method and the fine print directions to keep my reading vision, close and distant vision clear. June, 2017; age 60 and it still works!This book, the method IS NOT EYE EXERCISES.The person applies use of normal vision functions as easy, relaxed natural vision habits all the time, all day long. It is also used for night vision. With some practice, this occurs on its own, the normal eye, visual system function occurring automatically, maintaining clear eyesight.Before taking the class, reading this book I only understood, used basic shifting; moving the eyes, (visual attention) side to side, top and bottom on an object to see it clear.After learning from this author, teacher; I understood that the eye shifts freely, not in a repetitive, controlled, limited pattern and; tiny shifting, saccades also occur on small parts, fine details of objects. The author makes this easy by teaching `Sketching, Brushing'. The eyes use `Centralization' with shifting; 'using the eyes fovea centralis' (which is in the back of the eye, center of the macula, in the retina), moving the eyes central field from small part to small part (point to point) on objects. This is the normal function of the eyes and it occurs naturally, on its own. Imitating, practicing this returns the eyes, eyesight to normal function. Shifting, Centralization... are applied all the time as easy relaxed habits.Go to Chapter 9, Part 3 to dive right into Natural Eyesight Improvement Training; The Three Principles of Natural Vision; MOVEMENT, CENTRALIZATION AND RELAXATION.Then to Chapter 12, Part 4; The Three Habits of Natural Vision; SKETCHING, (ALSO KNOWN AS SHIFTING), BREATHING AND BLINKINGThen to Chapter 15 for the SUMMARY.Relaxation, Memory, Imagination; In the class we practiced a Self Healing Activity with relaxation, memory, imagination. The students sat in the class and closed, covered their eyes with the palms of their hands as described by the teacher.We imagined, visualized a story using the memory, imagination to describe what subjects, objects we were thinking about. Each student creates their own addition to the imaginary story; A man from India that was sitting next to me in line talked about imagining he was in the jungle having a great time investigating the different plants, animals, the river, water falls, all in color, motion, seeing objects clear at close, middle, far distances, hearing the wind blow through the trees, bird calls, feeling the wind, warmth of the sun, touching objects, seeing, feeling their texture, shape...Then my turn came to continue the story and I said I was upset with him because I was in my big stone chair in the woods relaxing, looking at the colored details in the stones and he was there feeding the wild animals, attracting tigers, monkeys... to my secret hideout. I could see the orange, yellow and black strips on the tiger, his face, whiskers, eyes, tail swaying. He crawled up on the rock with me and ate a sandwich the man gave him and then took a nap. He purred like a kitty cat. The sun sparkled on his fur as the breeze passed through it. Each person added to the story as we traveled in our minds, imagination. When we uncovered and opened our eyes many people, including myself experienced clear or improved sight. The relaxation remained long after the class when I returned to work. I could re-activate it anytime I felt stress, strain. Improving the memory, imagination, relaxation improves the clarity of eyesight.The book, course improved mental clarity, function, sense of well-being and self-respect. I quit a dangerous job in a hotel that was causing much stress.More than eyesight improvement, this is a stress reduction class. Relaxed breathing is taught. Relaxation of the shoulders, neck, correct posture, clear eyesight at the computer, healthy full spectrum sunlight, indoor light, how to work with an eye doctor to obtain freedom from glasses and other information is included.The Bates method also corrected a wandering eye, double vision, blur and astigmatism condition I experienced in 2009-2011 due to a neck and back injury caused by a dishonest chiropractor throwing my neck, spine, hip, vertebrae, bones out of alignment, mis-aligned neck vertebrae C-1, 2, 4, 6, others along the shoulder area, T1... and the spine, hips then trying to sell me 240 treatments to start and stating I will never be cured. It was like being in a car accident; nerve, cartilage and other injuries, a whiplash like effect. Over 2 years I finally found a new, honest doctor, physical therapist and healing is now 95% although the injury in the neck may always be there so I have to be careful lifting, over straining the neck typing... Natural Eyesight Improvement brought the vision back to 100% clear! June, 2017, age 60; passed my drivers license with clear eyesight, no glasses needed.Nerves travel from the neck, spinal cord, 'brain stem' to the eye muscles. The brain stem also connects in the brain and the optic nerve passes near the brain stem, through the brain. Nerves, blood, lymph vessels also travel to the brain, eyes through the neck. Any injury to the neck, vertebrae, misaligned vertebrae... and even the spine, back, pulling, tension on the spinal cord, brain stem can affect the eye muscles, brain/visual system, clarity of vision. This includes impairing eye movements and causing strabismus.Dr. Bates proved that tension in the outer eye muscles causes pressure, tension, pulling on/in the eyeball, alters its shape and focus of light rays, clarity of vision. He also proved that relaxation of the muscles returns the eye to normal shape, correct focus of light rays and clear vision. See the color pictures of the eye, eye muscles in the Author's book; lengthened, shortened and irregular causing different vision problems due to tension in, malfunction of the outer oblique, recti eye muscles. Then see the picture of the normal eye producing clear vision. The ciliary `lens muscle' and lens function can also be affected.I am grateful for the Natural Vision Improvement knowledge Mr. Quackenbush has taught me. It keeps the eyesight clear for life even under very adverse conditions! The body and sight can heal and with correct practices healing is faster, maintained.Tom is one of the rare true teachers that has never strayed from the Bates Method. He has improved it using only natural safe practices.Some other teachers have changed the method in order to make more money; advising lasik, sunglasses, contacts, harmful type eyeglasses and incorrect, unnatural practices that cause vision impairment. Tom has never done this.I consider another main reason my eyesight never remained impaired in younger life and now is due to not wearing eyeglasses. In elementary and high school my mother bought glasses for me on advice of a nurse. I refused to wear them due to the pain, tension they caused and noticing the eyesight would be worse after wearing the glasses. Thankfully I had a nice mother and teacher. I was allowed to sit closer to the blackboard, without glasses and the distant vision improved on its own. In the U.S. Army my Sargent was smart and allowed us to have the option not to wear glasses. I could aim, hit the target with my M-16 from the distant foxhole without glasses.Stress, strain, reading unfamiliar distant letters... can affect the sight. Teachers should realize this. I also think studies done on the computer should be printed out or listened to as to avoid constant reading on the computer screen and other devices which can lower the vision. Artificial 3-D in video games, Computers, some new TV's... impair brain, visual system, eye, eye muscle function.I continue to refuse to wear eyeglasses. Eye doctors cannot prescribe for me because the vision is clear with use of the Bates Method.I would have posted a review years ago but was a low income person, no access to internet, never heard of Amazon.com until a few years ago.Feb, 2012 - buying another copy of this book to send to a friend. My friend has improved his vision. Mr. Quackenbush's book has helped many of my friends, people I meet in the grocery store, at work, the train station. We do sunning and shift, centralization... on the eyechart, trees, railroad tracks... waiting for the train into Boston.I also have this book by Ophthalmologist Bates, Edited by Thomas Quackenbush (read-studied it many times and now read for fun!);Better Eyesight: The Complete Magazines of William H. Bates
I wasn't going to buy this book as I thought that it was just another self help hype type book .But upon reading it I began to do the exercises and things Dr,Quackenbush said to do. I was familiar with the Bates methods and this one took me a step further. I followed instructions and actually went without my strong (expensive ) progressive lenses. I went down in strength rapidly .I did the exercises a lot. I stared wearing magnifying readers at first and 1.75 magnifiers for far off veiwing .It's been about six months now and I finally went to the optometrist only to find that I can now buy single vision readers ,just for the computer and reading. What a joy it is to once again go without a constant pair of glasses on my face !!! Thanks to Thomas Quakenbush I can now SEE without glasses except for small print .I highly recomend reading this self-help book ! You will love it !
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